That’s right we’re back talking about those brilliant Brunel’s again, and in particular Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who it seems never had a day off. Boy this man was busy and

building the largest ship in the world was going to take some serious man hours.
Now this was not the first ship Isambard laid his attention too: he launched the SS Great Western, which anchored in New York and later served as a troop ship during the Crimean war. Then we have the SS Great Britain, which was the longest passenger ship in the world from 1845-1854.
But clearly two was not enough….

The Eastern was built alongside the River Thames in Mill Wall and was so big it had to be launched sideways! But soon after it was launched it got into all sorts of trouble, from exploding funnels to “Icebergs (rocks) right ahead!”.
Find out more about this great sea monster and it’s connection to Anfield Football stadium by tuning into Episode 54.